LET LAVISH LIP MAGIC GET YOUR LIPS PINK 👄Most items arrive within 6 business days and all of our shipments are 100% INSURED

About Us ❤💋

It all started with a desire to find a product that was able to turn dry cracked lips into a natural pink color. Many people have dark lips due to genetics and smoking and  I  found myself falling into that category and wanted to fix it FAST.  I tried many products on the market, but it seemed as though nothing worked as it stated. I tried anything that I could find, even risking $79 on a small item that did NOTHING. I knew personally and by seeing others that having smoker's lips wasn't attractive, nor were they appeasing to my peers.  

From that moment I decided to to research many products that had the ability to help hyperpigmenation of the lips. I tried many combinations until I found the perfect combination of SAFE ingredients that produced results in just a few days. I was excited and knew that there were many people around the world that desired to have even natural pink lips. 

After seeing visible results after 5 days, and achieving my 100%  desired results in just 9 days, LAVISH LIP MAGIC was born 👄



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  • I’m all aboard, I just ordered my first kit and I’m super excited to try it ,, I suffer with very bad discoloration and I cry sometimes behind it and think about it night and day !! I hope this helps so I will not have to have surgery

    • Ashley Wells
  • I was at first skeptical, (As I should) I’ve been using the lip kit for over a year now and it has changed my confidence Seriously!!! Especially for smokers lip. It really helps. Sometimes the comments don’t do Justice at explaining how well this product work. Lavish lip is ALWAYS giving back with their generous sale prices. No I am not an unpaid or paid ambassador, I’m simply just a very happy customer. Customer for life. We locked in Lavish 💯

    • Tamera
  • I just want to say I’ve been vaping for 2 years and my lips JUST started getting dark. I was horrified, I saw yall ad on ig and I bought the samples, its been 2 days and my lips have already lightened up. I don’t know WHAT yall put in this stuff but you saved me! I’m a new loyal customer now💋

    • Shawnee
  • This product actually works! I was really pleased with the results. I actually ordered the lip kit twice. Unfortunately I cant purchase this anymore as shipping costs £18 to the UK and then the total amount to pay gets too expensive. I would still recommend this product to people if they can afford the shipping costs.

    • Nehar
  • This products work I saw results within days of using it

    • shadae